I've noticed a lot of people have been making lists of things to get done before their next birthday rolls around. Seeing as I lack in the goal-oriented behavior department, and I *just* had a birthday, I thought I should give this a try. Really, I'm not goal-oriented at all. I tend to fantasize about finishing projects, but when it comes to actually taking action or sticking it out when obstacles arise, I bail. Yes, I realize saying I'm not goal-oriented is just a fancy way of saying I'm lazy. I'm okay with that.
Anyway, I made a list. In fact, I got so caught up in making the list, that I actually made a 35 before 33 list. "35 before 33" doesn't have the right ring to it though so I'm going to aim for 33 and just let the other two fall by the wayside. Why go the extra mile (or two)?
I'm not sharing the whole list here for two reasons. One, it would be boring for you to read, unless you like lists about rearranging cabinets and scraping the crud from the floor under the fridge. If you do like reading lists like that, I'm more sad for you than I am for the goo under the refrigerator. The other reason I'm not sharing the entire list is that in the event I don't finish the list (hello, I'm not goal-oriented) I don't want you to know just how lazy I am. I might get around to washing my hairbrush or labeling my magazine bins (all 5 of them!), but there's a good chance I'll never bake a loaf of bread from scratch. I mean, it has to sit there for hours. HOURS! In that time I'll have gotten bored, gone to a movie, spent a small fortune at Target and then arrived home to find that I no longer want bread and am okay with tossing the whole thing in the trash. I told you I was lazy, er, I mean, not goal-oriented.
I promise I will try. And when I do cross something off the list, I will post about it here. Bet you can't wait for me to tackle the kitchen floor, huh?
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