We still have a lot of work to do in terms of landscaping, but that is the aforementioned fun part. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that my bank account might be a bit of a party pooper. I wonder if our neighbors would notice me digging up their plants in the middle of the night. (Just kidding neighbors. If your plants go missing overnight, it wasn't me.)
We also have to stain the decks (probably a rich, deep brown), but that can't be done until September. The wood has to spend a month drying out in the August heat. This is where living in Dallas comes in handy. This forecast should help that happen quite nicely:

Here's the backyard as it currently looks.
That's new sod under the old hammock. We'll probably put in a flowerbed and a fig tree where that dark brown dirt is next to the patio. The metal chairs are rusted to the point that they're unsafe to sit in, but I don't have the heart to throw them out. Any interesting repurposing ideas are welcome. And no, those rocks aren't going to stay like that. You can also see the progress on the house next door. It's going to be beautiful!

We got these adirondack chairs & ottomans from World Market on sale! They only had two of the green ottomans left so it was meant to be.

Jon made this awesome wooden doormat to help knock the granite off your feet before you go inside. We'll stain it to match the deck.

This is the view from the laundry/mud room window. Eventually we'll put a door here instead so that you don't have to go through the bicycle garage (yes, we have multiple garages) to get to the backyard.

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